Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Phone Call 04/21/09 1:00 a.m.

(Shouting into phone) Hello Mother....This is Recruit Bertroche. I have arrived at MCRD San Diego. I will begin training this Friday. The next time you hear from me will be by postal mail, so expect a letter from me in two to three weeks. I will include my mailing address and platoon number. I am in group 2. My expected graduation date is.............(voice normal) whatever. (Again shouting) If any delays occur in my graduation date, I will immediately call you with details. I love you.


  1. LOL! How I remember that first phone call. I didn't get mine for 3 days.

  2. I can't wait to get your address! -Joy

  3. Patrick,
    I wish you the best and know you'll do great! You're in thoughts and prayers.
    Aunt Donna

  4. my mom said when i called and left a message she had to listen to it 3 times just to understand what i said. lol

    If you need any help Pats mom, call my mom Deb at 515-473-2903, or email me at vonarbtim@gmail.com

    Tim von Arb
